
最近有一种尘埃落定的感觉,好多事情总算是告一段落了。暑假拿到dtt club的offer之后也懒得再申请什么东西了,换一个行业试试看也蛮好,咨询做了近9个月,反而现在连自己都不知道自己是不是喜欢这个行业了。Industry是我一直很bs的,觉得以后去一个大企业朝九晚五是一件不可能的事情,至少年轻的时候不可能。谁让我是一个有professional情结的孩子呢,呵呵。觉得有点不爽的是在dtt笔试面试时候认识的朋友们很多都没有能够拿到offer,我mm也被bs了,一起去dtt的梦想破灭,sigh

咬着猪肉脯听音乐发现其实现在离考试已经是一步之遥了。每学期的这个时候都给我一种世界末日的感觉,这学期尤其是这样。翻开教材感叹为什么都是这么厚的书而且还是英文的,前一段时间的Desprate intern hunting的结果是手头积攒了一坨presentation和case study要做。烦死了啊=,=老师为什么就不能体谅我们呢?现在找实习和找工作一样困难啊。


“没有玫瑰那样惊人的美貌 又没有万贯的家财 也没有3岁就进大学 目前只会中文和英文 连粤语都不会

实在是哪里都不好加分 就安分的做个普通人罢


有时候我们对自己都有太多的期望和幻想吧,有时候我也感叹心比天高命比纸薄。不过相信到最后每个人都会有一个归宿的吧。Bless all

最近听到一首歌很喜欢,推荐一下咯:Era的_Don't You Forget_

Girl: Mom is sick
She says she can't get up
I know my brother is getting hungry
I must go to the village to ask for some food
Would you help me
Boy: Sure, Cony. I'll help ya
Girl:  Are you always build case when you with me?
Boy: You are my friend, Cony
Girl:  Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you
Boy: Cross my heart

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all our dreams
Are you gone away
Only emptiness we makes

Girl: Are you always build case when you with me
Boy: You are my friend, Cony
Girl: Are you always gonna be there when I grow up
Are you

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
We were soft and young
In a world of innocence

Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget all our dreams
Are you gone away
Only emptiness we makes
Don't you forget about me
Don't you forget about me
